Turbulent history of the Turkish region

Turbulent history of the Turkish region.

The region of today's Turkey has been a place of important events since the dawn of time, which influenced the subsequent history of entire nations – which was to be expected in the context of being the border between two continents and the greatest civilizations since ancient times.

The Turkish state itself was born in the pain and fire of war, when one great nation fell and others took their place. The first culturally resembling structure of organized statehood was established shortly after (what an important event) fall of Constantinople. In year 1453, when Sultan Mehmet captured the capital and the last bastion of the former empire, history took a new turn.

Then the Ottoman Empire was born, which has since begun its march towards Europe, bringing both war and culture and religion (Islam). Such an empire, which terrified everyone on the old continent with its power, lasted in its greatness for hundreds of years, until the power and faith in the religious leaders began to wane. In year 1870 Parliament was formed for the first time in this country and a constitution was established. Unfortunately for the Turks, the reforms were introduced too late and the once mighty country became dependent on European powers (Great Britain, Germans and French)
During the first Great War, Turkey sided with the Germans, and as a result of fighting (and defeats in war) Istanbul was occupied by the victorious armies and the Allies planned to divide the country, signing the Treaty of Serves (1920year) which they received their share: Anglia, Italy, France, Greece and Armenia.

However, it only took three years, for this situation to change. General Mustafa Kemal assembled the government, expelled the Greeks, and resumed talks. W 1923 the Lausanne Agreement was signed, after which Turkey acquired its present-day borders. In the same year (29 October) Turkey declared itself a republic, whose first president was Mustafa Kemal Ataturk (ruled until his death 1938 year).

Turkey today is a democratic country with an efficient parliament and diverse political parties, which from 1949 is a member of the Council of Europe, and from 1952 member of NATO. Today, it makes every effort to become a member of the European Union.